Our favorite Hogwarts pets are owls! On Thursday we drew our owls, then made owl hats!
Atlas' owl, so proud of him, he really struggles with perfectionism. Every time we do a drawing project he is so concerned about making it look just right, and afraid of drawing new things. When it doesn't look just right he breaks down in tears. This fear is something I've been working on with him, he has grown so much this month in his art work, trying new things, and just enjoying the creative process.
Joaquin's large eyed owl
Atlas' alien owl. He made a mistake on his owl (made the eye too big to fit two eyes), and instead of getting upset with himself, he decided, on his own, to turn it into an owl from outer space!
Oliver always enjoys our drawing projects!
Owl Hat
For Joaquin's hat, he cut up an old soft sweatshirt for the owl body.
Joaquin cutting out his owl.
Joaquin sewing, his second time using the machine, and he was really good at it!
Joaquin's finished hat.
Oliver's hat. For the two younger boys, they picked out hats, colors for the eyes, and helped lay it out. I did all the cutting and sewing for them.
Atlas' rainbow hat
They have enjoyed wearing them every time we've gone out, perfect for our snowy winter wonderland!